…contemporary Russian artist Babich Vladimir contemporary art Russia ART GALLERY paintings fine art. On the site there are some works of the contemporary Russian artist Vladimir N. Babich: paintings (oil on canvas) - flowers, landscapes, surrealism, nude- author’s painting and copies of all famous impressionists,… << home

How to buy a painting:

Since here are only some examples of the author’s paintings to escape unauthorized copying You can make a purchase from the site the following way:

  1. To buy a Vladimir Babich author's work choose a paining from the photos on the site or choose a painting from his catalogue (permanent clients only can order it by email) or describe the painting (in words) and you will get some more photos according the description. To order a copy choose a painting of any famous artist (no photos need)
  2. Book a painting and email the best way for you to get and pay the painting. Usually there is no need you to pay in advance.

Information for dealers, retailers, wholesale buyers:

Vladimir Babich offers cooperation with his large workshop. He makes in plenties of copies of all impressionists (Van Gogh, Cezanne, Gauguin, Matisse, etc.), avant-garde (Kandinskiy, Malevich, etc.), realistic school, sea landscapes (Aivazovskiy), most popular plots in art galleries of USA. Paintings - oil on canvas. At realization through networks of supermarkets he is ready to deliver from 100 up to 300 pictures monthly on a good natural canvas (oil)

mailto: babich-v@yandex.ru

"Flowers". "Poppies". "Roses". "Bouquet". Oil on canvas
Impressionism Copies of all Impressionists. Oil on canvas
Landscapes from
Flowers - on the best quality canvas
Surrealism – expensive

Nude >>


Информация для дилеров и оптовых покупателей

Владимир Бабич предлагает сотрудничество с его большой мастерской. Исполняет в больших количествах копии импрессионистов (Ван Гог, Сезанн, Гоген, Матисс, другие), авангард (Кандинский, Малевич, другие), реалистическая школа, морские пейзажи (Айвазовский), наиболее популярные сюжеты в художественных галереях США. Картины – холст масло. При реализации через сети супермаркетов готов поставлять от 100 до 300 картин ежемесячно на хорошем натуральном холсте (масло). Также картины по вашим образцам или из каталога.

Oil on canvas 50x70
Oil on canvas 50x70

Oil on canvas 50x70
Oil on canvas 50x70
Oil on canvas 50x70

Impressionism Copies of all Impressionists    Oil on canvas 50x70

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